NewsGrant Me Hope

14-year-old Marcus loves having fun, wants a family with siblings and pets

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Our Grant Me Hope child this week is 14-year-old Marcus, who loves having fun and messing around with technology.

According to the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange, Marcus loves playing games, video games, jumping on the trampoline and playing with dogs.

“Marcus enjoys hands-on activities,” says one of his close adults. “He can tell you all about robotics or Lego builds. He recently built a robotic arm and enjoys putting things together. He has plans to make his own video games, too.”

His favorite restaurant isn't one that many people would choose. If he could travel anywhere in the world, it would be Donut King.

“They have the biggest donuts in the world!” says Marcus, who also likes satisfying his sweet tooth with cookies, his favorite food.

He's looking for a family that spends time together doing fun things, and loves to challenge himself to grow

“Marcus does very well at school, and at home, he does well when provided structure and clear expectations. Marcus is a creative and energetic youth. He enjoys spending time with trusted adults and can be very talkative," an adult close to him said.

An experienced and patient two-parent forever family would benefit Marcus. He would do well in a family with or without other children, but Marcus strongly desires siblings, especially ones close to his age. His new family must make sure Marcus gets the attention and services he needs to thrive. Finally, Marcus has expressed a desire for a family who has pets, especially a dog or a cat.

For more information on Marcus, visit the MARE website and you can view a list of waiting children there, or on our Grant Me Hope page.