NewsGrant Me Hope

16-year-old Cameron dreams of owning his own landscaping company one day


Our Grant Me Hope child this week is 16-year-old Cameron who has his sights set on becoming an entrepreneur and owning his own landscaping company.

According to the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange, Cameron loves working with his hands and wants to get involved in construction, too.

For now, however, MARE said Cameron will focus on brushing up on world history, his favorite subject in school.

Cameron said that he's always happy and joking around, and he also loves to play football and basketball.

"I just like to be involved with a whole bunch of physical activities as much as I can. My favorite team, sadly, is the Chicago Bears. We're having a rough season, but there's always next year. My favorite animal. It's a weird animal, but it's an ostrich. I would go to Alaska because it's peaceful there," Cameron said.

According to one of his close adults, “Cameron is described as funny, very social and personable. Although Cameron has dealt with many hardships and disappointments in his life, he tries hard to keep a positive attitude and push forward. Cameron is typically respectful and responsible, and he is willing to help out around the house.”

Cameron needs a patient and understanding parent or parents who are experienced and trauma-informed. He wants a positive male figure in his new family. He would do best as the only or youngest child in his new forever family. Cameron’s new parent or parents must make sure he receives any services that would help him thrive. He needs a family who’s active, and he prefers one who has pets, especially dogs. Finally, his family must be willing to let Cameron maintain his sibling relationships.

For more information on Cameron, visit the MARE website and view a list of waiting children there. You can also learn more on our Grant Me Hope page.