NewsGrant Me Hope

8-year-old Jeremy loves being outside, wants to become a doctor or a teacher


Our Grant Me Hope child this week is 8-year-old Jeremy, who loves playing outside and loves working with his hands.

According to the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange, Jeremy is always being creative outside and he can just roam for hours.

"At school I like recess, because we get to play outside, play tag. Sometimes I'll make up a game," Jeremy said.

"When I grow up I want to be a doctor so I can help people. After that, I want to be a teacher so people can learn," he said.

Jeremy would do well with a single mom who has a good support network, but he’d do best with two parents. His new parent or parents should be experienced, patient, understanding and trauma-informed. Jeremy can be placed in a home without other children or with children of any age as long as he receives the attention he requires. His new family must make sure Jeremy receives any services that would benefit him.

For more information about Jeremy, visit the MARE website, and view a list of waiting children there. You can also view more stories on our Grant Me Hope page.