NewsGrant Me Hope

Meet 13-year-old Journie, who loves to read and loves to help people

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(WXYZ) — Our Grant Me Hope child this week is a bright 13-year-old girl named Journie who loves to read. "

My friends tell me that I'm really smart," says Journie. "And whenever I meet a new friend, they always ask how old I am. And they're like, 'Really? You're 13. I felt you're my age, like 16.'"

Journie has big dreams for her education and career. She told The Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange (M.A.R.E.), "I want to go to school to either Harvard, Stanford or University of Michigan. When I grow up, I want to be a social worker because I like helping people.” (She’s also considering becoming a lawyer).

Journie is described as “a helpful, funny, friendly, talkative and outgoing girl who's sensitive to others and looks out for their safety.”

An adult close to her said that Journie’s “greatest quality is her sense of empathy toward those close to her as well as toward other children who are struggling."

Journie is a big fan of softball, volleyball, basketball and especially soccer.

"I like reading about soccer too. I'm reading a book about soccer," she says. "It's called Kickoff. It's a really good book. I just like reading anything."

Additionally, Journie enjoys playing with Barbies, going to the beach, jumping in piles of leaves, picking flowers, making art, riding her bike, watching scary movies, baking cookies and cake and whipping up some tasty pancakes. One thing she'd like to try is planting a garden.

Grant me hope tells us if Journie could travel anywhere she would want to visit Spain and “perhaps explore the ideas of fountain of youth dreamer Ponce De Leon."

Journie told M.A.R.E. she would be happy to find a “forever family” who would accept her for who she is, but she’s particularly interested in a family with younger kids, so she can be a “big sister.” (An added plus is a family with dogs!)

Experts say Journie would do well with two parents, experienced and trauma-informed, who make sure she gets the services she needs to thrive. Her new family should also be open to letting Journie keep her relationships with her siblings.

“Adoption means to me that I'll have a family forever, a forever family, one that I can go home to on the weekends when I'm in college,” says Journie. “One that I can talk to when I'm having a hard time. One that I can trust.”

Find more information about Journie here, or Call the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange at: (800)-589-6273