
Meeting next week on possible Sheetz location in Rochester Hills


(WXYZ) — A meeting will be held next week in Rochester Hills over a possible location for a Sheetz gas station and convenience store.

The location is at the northeast corner of Rochester Rd. and South Blvd. and would be on the Rochester Hills-Troy border.

On Jan. 10, a meeting will be held on the zoning board of appeals, according to the City of Rochester Hills. The Sheetz would be on three different parcels of land.

According to the board's agenda, the applicant, MC Development Holdings, "is requesting the following variances related to the proposed construction of a new Sheetz gas station/restaurant."

The agenda said they would need a variance to allow a 21-foot setback for the entrance and exit on South Blvd. when a 50-foot setback is required; a 52.8-foot setback for the fuel pump canopy when a 100-foot setback is required; 0-foot parking setback when a 10-foot setback is required and a 0-foot width landscape structure.

Last year, Sheetz confirmed that it was opening its first store in Romulus and planned to open dozens of stores throughout the state.

According to a report in Crain's Detroit Business, the site of the Sheetz will be at 33380 Wick Road near Detroit Metro Airport. Crain's reports the company said it hopes to open the location later this year.