DETROIT (WXYZ) — It is down to the wire for the NFL Draft in downtown Detroit. With just three days to go, we met up exclusively with Mayor Mike Duggan to find out what is on his plate before Detroit is officially on the clock.

Downtown Detroit is in overdrive with workers sprucing up everything. Technicians with the NFL are busy putting the final touches on this incredible stage.
We met up with Mayor Mike Duggan strutting proudly in his Detroit Lions jacket right in the middle of this event space he says after all the planning and preparation it’s go time.
Watch an extended version of our interview with Mayor Mike Duggan:
A larger-than-life billboard of Aidan Hutchinson shines brightly in the city saying, ‘Dreams Get Made Here’.
“It’s great to see the Michigan kid,” said Duggan.

Thursday will be the big kickoff for the NFL Draft because it’s round one and Detroit will be on the clock for the 39th pick - if we don’t trade that pick away.
“After Brad Holmes's draft last year, he doesn’t need any advice from anybody,” said Duggan.
The eyes of the world will be on Detroit and for those visiting for the first time Mayor Duggan says he believes they will be impressed.

“That countdown clock in Campus Martius has been going for two years and it’s now down to three days,” said Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan. “I toured the entire complex today and the team has done such a tremendous job.”
Navigating downtown with the street closures and fencing will take early arrival and planned parking but instead of complaints, Mayor Duggan says he’s heard a lot of positives even from restaurant owners.
“At first, we had some restaurant complaints, then all of the workers started eating at the restaurants, they said never mind, we’re good,” said Duggan.
And that $100 million in revenue expected to come from the draft is so beneficial.

“What kind of direct impact will that have on Detroit,” I asked.
“The real impact is in the long run. You’re going to have tens of thousands of people that haven’t been in Detroit for years, if at all,” said Duggan.
“Thursday and Friday nights start in the evening. Saturday starts at noon and there’s four rounds,” said Duggan. “Saturday is really family day. I really encourage parents and kids to come down on Saturday.”