As Spring Break travel amps up, people share their no-no's for plane etiquette

United Airlines Planes

(WXYZ) — Spring Break is almost here and that means people across the country will take to the skies to go on vacation.

Because it might be the only time people travel each year, we threw a question out on Facebook to see what people said are "no-no's" when it comes to plane etiquette.

More than 300 people commented with their thoughts.

Some of the best answers are below.

Katrina Hyde Carlisle: "Be prepared to go through TSA. Don’t hold up the line because you didn’t take your shoes coat and belt off. Don’t pack things you shouldn’t bring because that holds everyone up also. Also don’t hold up the line slowly gathering your things out of the bucket. Get your stuff and move on quickly."

Molida Khim-Thach: "Be courteous of fellow passengers. Nobody is happy about being crowded into these small seats. Don't spread your arms and legs into their personal space."

Libby Shanley: "Keep your shoes on and sit in the seat you purchased!"

Kendra Smith: "Don’t ask to switch seats. I’m 6’5” and arranged for adequate legroom well in advance. I’m not trading unless it’s an upgrade."

Dena M Atkins-Foran: "Armrests are for the middle passenger seat."

Yue-Bei Teng: "Don’t raise your knee(s) nor foot/feet and push on the seat back in front of you. And, don’t raise your feet and use the armrest of the seat in front of you as a footrest. If you are going to stretch and stick hour feet into the aisle, be prepared to be smacked by the drink/meal cart. Don’t complain."

Kim Laird: "Don't throw your hair over the back of the seat!"

Keri Bugbee Scoville: "Please put your carry-on above or across from your OWN seat, wherever that may be on the plane."

Mary Ann Thomas B: "Jumping the line when you exit the plane. One exception: People trying to make a connecting flight."

Larry Bell: "Just because one traveler is TSA Pre-Check Approved, it does NOT mean your entire travel party is. So don’t hold up the lines trying to sneak them all in the Pre-Check Line, only to be turned away once you get to the front."

Deb Taormina: "Read the room….some people don’t want to talk."

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